Tag: Good

Expectations Too Great
January 23 – Great Expectations

5:23 – Great Expectations #faithbites #faithjourney expectations Intro If you ask what my greatest fault is, I would say I have two. One is I am too nice and let people walk on me and […] Read More

Leadership is Hard Work
January 22b – Leadership Is Hard!

5:22b – Leadership Is Hard #faithbites #faithjourney leadership Intro I have always wanted to lead. I think I have skills and abilities that help groups move forward. Not sure why, but leadership and being in […] Read More

January 19 – The Law of the Prophets – Summarized

1:!9 – The Law of the Prophets #faithbites #faithjourney prophets Intro Some think that Christianity is complicated with many rules and obligations. Others think the way a specific church does it is right and others […] Read More

January 17 – Feeling Sick? God is Chicken Soup for the Soul

5:17 – Feeling Sick,? God is Chicken Soup for the Soul. #faithbites #faithjourney sick Intro The past 24 hours have been gross. I just feel sick. Cough, congestion, fatigue, aches, and just yuck. I’ve seeped […] Read More

January 16 – Serve When Called

5:16 – Serve When Called #faithbites #faithjourney serve Intro Tdya II was sitting in the balcony of my daughter’s swim meet. The announcer came over the loud speaker and said they were short timers. I […] Read More

January 14 – Sharing The Hurt Can Stop The Hurt

5:14 – Sharing The Hurt Can Stop The Hurt #faithbites #faithjourney hurt Intro No oone wants to be hurt. We keep certain details about our lives to ourselves so we don’t get hurt. What would […] Read More

January 12 – Stretched Too Thin

5:12 – Stretched Too Thin #faithbites #faithjourney Intro We ggo from the holiday season, to insane catchup. I feel like people took all the work of the last four weeks and shoved it into three […] Read More