Old Testament

How are you motivated?
February 15 – How Are You Motivated?

4:46 – How Are You Motivated? #faithbites #faithjourney motivated Setting Yesterday, I decided that I would choose motivation for the #faithbites topic but then changed it to love as it was Valentine’s Day. I thought […] Read More

February 13 – Silence Is Golden

4:44 – Silence Is Golden #faithbites #faithjourney silence Setting Last night, my eldest had a sleep over with a friend. This morning, my wife said it was so quiet because she wasn’t here. I said […] Read More

May the Lord bless you
February 10 – The Lord Bless You And Keep You

4:41 – The Lord Bless You And Keep You #faithbites #faithjourney Lord Setting Sometimes we get in our own way. No matter how we try to make things simple, we make it harder. A prime […] Read More

How is your follow through?
Feb 8 – Follow Through Is Hard

4:39 – Follow Through Is Hard #faithbites #faithjourney through Setting Here’s something that may shock you, I’m not perfect! I’m far from it. One of my weak points is follow through. I am good at […] Read More

Give effort to help others to help you.
February 7 – A Little Bit of Extra Effort Yields More Time

4:38 – A Little Bit of Extra Effort Yields More Time #faithbites #faithjourney effort Setting I often say I’m busy and I don’t have enough time to do what I need or want to do. […] Read More

Inbox Zero
February 3 – Goal: Inbox Zero

4:34 – Goal: Inbox Zero #faithbites #faithjourney inbox Setting Today, for the first time in a long time, I consciously noticed that my work email inbox was at 579. Yes, I’ve read most of them […] Read More

Revise Goals
February 2 – Revising Goals Isn’t Failure

4:33 – Revising Goals Isn’t Failure #faithbites #faithjourney revising Setting “I want to be a faculty developer when I grow up.”, said no one ever. I love my job., especially when I see faculty “get […] Read More