Old Testament

November 1 – Don’t Boast, Tomorrow Is Unknown

4:305 – Don’t Boast, Tomorrow Is Unknown #faithbites #faithjourney boast Setting Lately I been talking with people about salaries and jobs. I have sheepishly explaoned my salary and experience. I have felt terrible like I […] Read More

October 30 – You Are Becoming. You Aren’t Broken

4:303 – You Are Becoming. You Aren’t Broken #faithbites #faithjourney becoming Setting Tonight, we are going to do something a bit different. I found this story on Facebook and thought this is epic. Have you […] Read More

It's ok to rest
October 28 – I Need A Break but Feel I Can’t Take One

4:301 – I Need A Break But Feel I Can’t Take One #faithbites #faithjourney break Setting Sometimes like farthest distance to cross is the 18 inches between your head and your heart. I was talking […] Read More

Keep Focus
October 25 – Focusing On One Thing!

4:298 – Focusing On One Thing! #faithbites #faithjourney focusing Setting There is a restaurant chain in St Louis called Raising Cane’s. They have 5 things on their menu: Chicken Fingers, Fries, Coleslaw, Cane’s Sauce, Texas […] Read More

October 22 – Your Value To God Never Decreases

4:295 – Your Value To God Never Decreases #faithbites #faithjkurney value Setting Have you ever scrounged for change and found the nasty pennies in your car? You think that you might not need them, but […] Read More

Comfort or Destruction
October 15 – Words for Comfort or Destruction

4:288 – Words for Comfort or Destruction #faithbites #faithjourney comfort Setting Poets can make you feel a range of emotions. Actors bring to life a person by their words and actions. When we speak are […] Read More

Tomorrow brings new opportunities
October 13 – Every Day is a New Opportunity

4:286 – Every Day is a New Opportunity #faithbites #faithjourney opportunity Setting Some days I have deep things to share, other days not so much. Today isn’t a bad day or a great day, just […] Read More