
May 14 – My Heart Hurts, My God Answers

2:135 – My Heart Hurts, My God Answers #faithbites #faithjourney heart My heart hurts tonight. I have beliefs. My religion has beliefs. My denomination has beliefs. I have faith in Jesus Christ. There are times […] Read More

May 13 – I Feel Bad For Everything I Did Tonight

2:134 – I Feel Bad For Everything I Did Tonight #faithbites #faithjourney bad Life as a parent is never dull. Tonight the girls were st each other’s throats. St some point, my youngest was so […] Read More

May 12 – God Isn’t Amazon Prime

2:132 – God Isn’t Amazon Prime #faithbites #faithjourney Amazon Let me tell you, I love Amazon Prime. The ability to go online, order what I want and have it in two days. Heck, I had […] Read More

April 11 – I’m Ignorant AND I Want To Learn

2:101 – I’m Ignorant AND I want to Learn #faithbites #faithjourney ignorant When I learned about Leonardo da Vinci, I wanted to be like him. I wanted to be a renaissance man. Someone who excelled […] Read More

March 30 – Thinking Clearly

2:89 – Thinking Clearly #faithbites #faithjourney clearly Do you every have a hard time thinking clearly? Maybe you are tired, hungry, or a hundred other emotions and your thoughts just aren’t clear. That’s bad enough, […] Read More

March 25 – Prayer Is A Gift From God

2:84 – Prayer Is A Gift From God #faithbites #faithjourney prayer You may be wondering how prayer is a gift from God if we pray to him. I think it’s quite simple. If we couldn’t […] Read More

March 1 – This FaithBite is the Same As All The Other FaithBites

2:60 – This FaithBite is The Same As All The Other Faithbites #faithbites #faithjourney faithbites When I accepted the challenge to share scripture, which eventually turned into faithbites, my wife asked me if I would […] Read More