
March 10 – Wash Me Clean

2:69 – Wash Me Clean #faithbites #faithjourney clean I don’t know about you, but I love a nice hot shower. I would take them several times a day if I could. There is something about […] Read More

March 7 – What Label Do You Have?

2:66 – What Label Do You Have? #faithbites #faithjourney label For Lent this year, I’m giving up trying to convince people that they may be mistaken or try to show them the other side of […] Read More

February 28 – I Promise

2:59 – I Promise #faithbites #faithjourney promise On the way to work, I like to listen to music or podcasts to pass the time. Today I was listening to a Ska radio station on Amazon […] Read More

February 22 – PT For The Body. FT For The Soul

2:53 – PT For The Body. FT For The Soul #faithbites #faithjourney FT PT stands for physical therapy or if you ask anyone who has gone through it, it stands for Pain and Torture. I […] Read More

February 19 – Whom Shall I Send?

2:50 – Whom Shall I send? #faithbites #faithjourney send Leaders help us find our way. They create a shared vision and help us all down the road together. Sometimes we select good leaders, others times […] Read More

February 18 – Minor Setbacks

2:49 – Minor Setbacks #faithbites #faithjourney setbacks Have you ever heard the saying “One step forward and two steps back”? Most of us feel that way when in actuality it’s two steps forward and one […] Read More

February 12 – Never Gonna Give You Up. Never Gonna Let You Down

2:43 – Never Gonna Give You Up. Never Gonna Let You Down #faithbites #faithjourney never I bet you all are singing the song now aren’t you? And no, this isn’t a Rick Roll, but rather […] Read More