
February 24 – Impact

Today’s lesson in one on impact. How those little moments can change someone’s day, outlook, and ultimately their life. I wrote yesterday about my experience as a tall, strong, able-bodied man becoming very physically disabled for a […] Read More

February 23 – (Dis) Abilities

Today’s lesson is about appreciating those with disabilities or other abilities. I admit when I’m driving behind someone going slow I get mad sometimes. When I’m in line at the checkout and someone is going […] Read More

February 21 – What can I offer?

Today’s lesson is about What can I offer or WHAT can I offer? We all have gifts, traits, and abilities. We don’t always share them or know how to share them with others. The idea […] Read More

February 17 – Problem-Solving

Today’s lesson is about problem-solving. Engineering is the process of identifying a problem, then solving it. In today’s society, especially through social media, we heard solutions to problems that haven’t been fully identified. We see […] Read More

February 16 – Compromise

Today’s lesson is on the art of compromise. To some compromise is a four-letter word. To others that is what we should strive for. In some leadership training, we say compromise is a lose-lose situation […] Read More

February 15 – The Lost Ones

Today’s lesson is on the “Lost Ones”. Yesterday, like many of you, I was horrified to learn of yet another mass school shooting in the United States. 17 dead. 12 injured. Countless lives impacted. I […] Read More

February 8 – The Others Part 2

Today’s lesson continues on the theme of the Others from yesterday. I have been thinking more and more about “the Others” and how we treat them. I do not agree with anyone on everything. Even […] Read More