
August 6 – Amazing Nature, Amazing Love

218 – Amazing Nature, Amazing Love #faithbites #faithjourney Amazing I’ve written many times both about being alone and about God’s love. Today showcased both. So amazing. Today, I had the privilege if driving a jet […] Read More

August 5 – When times are tough, do reach out or pull back?

216 – When times are tough, do reach out or pull back? #faithbites #faithjourney reach A million things to do, and not enough time to do it. We run around trying to accomplish all of […] Read More

August 2 – I Can’t Live With The Pain. It Hurts

214 – I Can’t Live With The Pain. It Hurts #faithbites #faithjourney hurts. Getting older stinks some times. I love that I am older as my mind is sharper, I’m more secure, and I have more […] Read More

July 29 – Men Looking Like Trees

210 – Men Looking Like Trees #FaithBites #FaithJourney Trees I often wonder,if I were to lose one of my five senses, which one would I like to lose the least. That’s an easy one: my […] Read More

July 25 – Faith, Trust, and a little Pixie Dust

206 – Faith, Trust, and a Little Pixie Dust #FaithBites #FaithJourney Trust Yesterday’s #FaithBite was that God has a place prepared for you in Heaven. In that #FaithBite, we discussed various scriptures that tell us […] Read More

July 23 – Left Behind But Never Alone

205 – Left Behind But Never Alone #FaithBites #FaithJourney Left For most people, being left behind is a primal fear. You were forgotten, you are alone, you are vulnerable, and afraid. You don’t know if […] Read More

July 22 – Marriage is What Brings Us Together Today

204 – Marriage is What Brings Us Together Today #FaithBites #FaithJourney Marriage Before we get started, I wanted to dedicate this #FaithBite to my brother Adam and my new Sister-In-Law Bianka. Thank you for the […] Read More