
February 9 – Being a Wit

Today’s lesson is about witnessing the Lord. Our Pastor’s have talked about this in depth. I have never thought of myself as a witness. I thought you had to be a pastor, priest, or preacher. […] Read More

February 8 – The Others Part 2

Today’s lesson continues on the theme of the Others from yesterday. I have been thinking more and more about “the Others” and how we treat them. I do not agree with anyone on everything. Even […] Read More

February 6 – My work is Better than Your Work

Today’s lesson is about the validity of work or all work having value. I often go through life and see what I do is important. Sometimes, more important than the work of others. I think […] Read More

February 5 – Platonic Relationships

Today’s lesson is about platonic relationships and how valuable they can be. Many know me as very outgoing, willing to strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. What most don’t know is I have […] Read More

February 4 – Broken and Fearful

Today’s lesson is on being broken and fearful. Fear not, I am doing very well. I wanted to touch upon these two topics as it is central to who we are as humans and our […] Read More

January 31 – Who are We Really or Masks

Today’s lesson is on our true self or what masks we wear around others. The other day at work, I laughed out loud. There was no hesitation. No second guessing. Just doing a little dance, […] Read More

January 28 – Priorities

Today’s lesson is about priorities. I know I’ve talked about being busy and making time for what is important. I also know it is easier said than done. I wanted to share another story of […] Read More