
March 23 – Apathy

#81of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is on Apathy. Today I feel blah. No motivation to do anything. I have things to do, but no drive to do it. I had to push myself to write […] Read More

March 20: Choosing Our leaders

#78of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is on voting and election. In Illinois, it is primary election day. The chance to select your parties nominees and vote on any referenda that may be on the ballot. […] Read More

March 19 – Money, Money, Money

Today’s post is about money. We all love money and we all hate money. Having money allows us to do things. No having money prevents us from doing things. I have been on food stamps. […] Read More

March 18 – Servant Leadership

Today’s lesson is about Servant Leadership or being the best leader begins by being the best servant. This faithbite is inspired both by our sermon this morning at church and all of my years in […] Read More

March 17 – Spending Time Together

Today’s lesson is about spending time together and general unity. We have so many things in our lives that distract us. Today, after a long day, our family drvidrd to come together, eat dinner, and […] Read More

March 16 – Perspective: Too Poor to Buy My Lunch?

Today’s lesson is about perspective or Why I got it wrong when I have plenty to eat but complain about not being able to buy lunch. This morning, I woke up, took my shower, and […] Read More

March 15 – Transformation Part II

Today’s lesson continues our discussion about the transformation from Sol to Paul. After I posted about how we can all be a witness and become an apostle, a friend said knowing my #faithjourney made the story […] Read More