March 16 – Perspective: Too Poor to Buy My Lunch?

Today’s lesson is about perspective or Why I got it wrong when I have plenty to eat but complain about not being able to buy lunch.

This morning, I woke up, took my shower, and made lunches as I do every morning. Nothing special, nothing interesting. I was putting my carrots into a bag and thought, GRRR, I don’t want to make my lunch but want to go out for lunch. I made good money. Why can’t I just go out and buy lunch! Then it hit me. I could go out and buy lunch and then that money would be gone. I can choose to eat my lunch I brought from home and spend it on other things that have a lasting impact. I am able to buy my lunch but choose not too.  I CHOOSE NOT TO.

That hit me two-fold. First is the obvious fact that many people in the world don’t have that choice. They would feel like kings and queens if they could eat what I begrudgingly packed in my lunch. That would look like a feast for them. Having a pantry and fridge full of food and a variety of choices is very much a #FirstWorldProblem.

The second point is this is very much like life. We get to choose so many things. We choose where to spend our energy. Where we work. Who we spend time with. What activities we do. We get the freedom to make those choices. I can begrudgingly eat my lunch from home, or I can fully enjoy it and be happy with it.  I can volunteer for things and hate the word, or I can be very happy with what I chose to do and enjoy it. Then after I’ve fulfilled my obligation, I can do something else. I can make that choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” – Matthew 7:13-14

“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” – Luke 12:15

Dave Ramsey says “Live like no one else, so you can live like no one else”. Make the tough choices now, so you are rewarded later. This applies not only to finances but also how we make our choices.  In the Matthew quotation, we so often go through the wide gate. It’s easy. It’s only $5 for lunch today. It’s only $20 for pizza. It’s only x,y,z. Every time we go through the wide gate we are continuing bad habits. There is nothing wrong it eating your lunch out or getting pizza or anything as long as you made that choice. That you aren’t going for an abundance of possessions rather than living well through conscious choice.

As I write this, I am eating my lunch. Chunks of Cheese, Turkey, Crackers, baby peppers and carrots. This is good wholesome food. I haven’t spent any extra money. I haven’t made hasty choices. I am going through the narrow gate. (And Yes, lunch was actually very tasty).

Are you willing to go through the narrow gate by choice? Are you willing to be on guard from greed while enjoying life? Are you willing to make choices in your life and not let the choices make you?

I am willing (with the help of God)

#75of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney

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