Faith Bites

What are we teaching our children?
July 16 – What Should Schools Teach?

4:197 – What Should Schools Teach? #faithbites #faithjourney schools Setting I believe education is the answer to all of our problems. (Besides, God of course) When we are educated we can come together, think creatively, […] Read More

Would You Pass The Interview?
July 15 – How Would You Answer These Interview Questions?

4:196 – How Would You Answer These Interview Questions? #faithbutea #faithjourneu interview Setting I was standing in the shower this morning and started thinking how much of a mess I am. My back is killing […] Read More

July 14 – You Have A Purpose In This World

4:196 – You Have A Purpose In This World #faithbites #faithjourney purpose Setting Sometimes we think we’d be better off not in this world. Other times we fantasize about what Heaven will be like. Will […] Read More

No Anger. No Enemies
July 13 – A World Without Anger and Judgement

4:194 – A World Without Anger and Judgement #faithbites #faithjourney anger Setting I was pursuing Facebook, as I usually do, and saw so many posts putting down one way of life, calling someone names, fighting […] Read More

Naked and Stripped Down
July 12 – Stripping It All Away

4:193 – Stripping It All Away #faithbites #faithjourney stripping Setting Somedays we get caught up in the day to day and all the activities we have. We have many layers to our life, our personality, […] Read More

What makes work meaningful?
July 11 – Meaningful Work

4:292 – Meaningful Work #faithbites #faithjourney meaningful Setting Last night, I posted on Facebook about the automation of jobs like checkout and bagging at a grocery store. This was a reply to someone who said […] Read More

July 10 – I’m Trying To Be Content

4:191 – I’m Trying To Be Content #faithbites #faithjourney content Setting Somedays I have to really think about what to write for #faithbites, other days, it comes direct from God. ive been thinking alot about […] Read More