
December 6 – Should I take a short rest or a long rest?

340 – Should I take a short rest or a long rest? #faithbites #faithjourney #D&D short I like role-playing games as I can be anyone or anything I want and do things well beyond my mortal abilities. […] Read More

December 3 – Are You Happy?

337 – Are You Happy? #faithbites #faithjourney Happy I’ve been feeling out of sorts the past few days so I decided to take a mental health day today. I got the kids out the door, […] Read More

November 5 – The Biblical View on Voting

309 – The Biblical View on Voting #faithbites #faithjourney Voting Tomorrow is Election Day in the United States. It’s a chance for us to vote for our next set of leaders. Many are disillusioned with […] Read More

August 29 – Are you a Corner Preacher or a Believer?

241 – Are you a Corner Preacher or a Believer? #faithbite #faithjourney preacher Walking out of our Bioengineering building after class today, I heard an amplified voice but couldn’t find where it was coming from. […] Read More

July 24 – Moving to a New Place

July 24 – Moving To A New Place #FaithBites #FaithJourney Moving Let’s move to the San Francisco Bay Area. Ok, well, we’re not moving but many said we should after the wedding last weekend. Not […] Read More

May 31 – The Joys of Traveling

#151of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney The Joys of Traveling Summer is here. School is out. People are traveling for vacations, missions, visiting family, and to explore the world. This morning as I kissed my wife and kids […] Read More

May 19 – Your Royal Highness

#139of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Royalty Today was the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The world was a buzz. Memes about royalty. Pictures comparing dresses to Ice Tea cans. Conversations about the cost of royal […] Read More