1 Peter

hope in Jesus
Dec 12 – Hope: What Does It Mean?

3:347 – Hope: What Does It Mean? #faithbites #faithjourney hope Setting I often use the word “Hope” without thinking about it. I hope for good grades or well-behaved children. We hope that it will be […] Read More

Unseen Burdens
Nov 20 – Things Unseen

3:324 – Things Unseen #faithbites #faithjourney unseen Setting Most people would look at me and say I look fine. Today, I did what I needed to, said hi to people, and tried to do what […] Read More

Oct 30 – You Are Blessed

3:304 – You Are Blessed #faithbites #faithjourney blessed Setting Today has been a very long and exhausting day. Not sure why just lots going on. I know it will be ok in the long run […] Read More

Engel Scale
Oct 21 – Where Are You On The Engel Scale?

3:295 – Where Are You On The Engel Scale? #faithbites #faithjourney engel Setting It’s no secret that I am on a #faithjourney. This is a journey since birth but has picked up speed in the […] Read More

Oct 15 – Debate With Kindness

3:289 – Debate With Kindness #faithbites #faithjourney debate Setting During my freshman year in college, there was a group of us who lived on the same floor and would regularly have deep conversations about life,.the […] Read More

Oct 3 – Home

3:277 – Home #faithbites #faithjourney home Setting Yesterday while I was driving, I heard a song I wasn’t familiar with. The lyrics that caught my attention were: Take me back To the place that feels […] Read More

Pray For those Who Can't See
Sep 22 – Pray For Those Who Can Not See

3:266 – Pray For Those Who Can Not See #faithbites #faithjourney see Setting Unless you’ve been living under a rock, which sometimes I wish I was, you have seen how divided we are. If you […] Read More