1 Chronicles

Oct 9 – You Can’t Take It With You

2:282 – You Can’t Take It With You #faithbites #faithjourney #redletterchallenge Take You may have heard the saying, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” Then there is the more realistic one, “He who […] Read More

May 18 – Daddy Snuggle

2:138 – Daddy Snuggles #faithbites #faithjourney snuggle Tonight was family movie night. My youngest wanted to snuggle me. Next thing I knew, she was asleep on me with her arms on top of mine. Every […] Read More

April 5 – People, Like God, Are Everywhere.

2:95 – People, Like God, Are Everywhere. #faithbjtes #faithjourney people I was in physical therapy again for my knee today. It was a session like any other, until my therapist and I started talking about […] Read More

January 2 – Friends Help Me Be Perfect. Jesus is My friend

2:2 – Friends Help Me Be Perfect. Jesus is My friend #faithbites #faithjourney friends Ideas for faithbites come from a variety of places in a variety of ways, just like God works in mysterious ways. […] Read More

October 8 – Telling My Story

281 – Telling My Story #faithbites #faithjourney story What is your story? What is my story? I have been alive for over 41 years, I have written faithbites for 280 days but have I told […] Read More

September 6 – You Can Do It

249 – You Can Do It #faithbites #faithjourney Do It As Rob Sneider in the WaterBoy says “You Can Do It”. That is the message of today’s #faithbite. No matter how hard life is, no […] Read More