Month: April 2018

April 9 – Infatuation

#99of365 #Faithbites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is about infatuation. We have all been infatuated with something or someone. We want to be with them. We want to learn from them. We want to be them. We […] Read More

April 8 – To Speak or Not to Speak

#98of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is on speaking and not speaking. Let’s start this off with a statement that anyone who knows me, will agree with: I like to talk. I will talk to anyone, […] Read More

April 7 – Doorways to Faith

#97of365 #FaithJourney #Faithbites Today’s lesson is about coming to faith. As we’ve talked before, I believe that God, Faith, Religion, and Church are four different but connected things. We all have our #faithjourneys. How we […] Read More

April 6 – Call The Fashion Police

#96of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney #Fashion Today’s lesson is about fashion. I know, who am I to talk about Fashion. I’m no Tim Gunn and I’m actually wearing a black belt with khaki pants. (I am normally better […] Read More

April 5 – I’m Hungry for

#95of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is about hunger and food. I like to eat. You name it, except for seafood because of allergies, I’ll probably eat it. I like spicy food, Chinese, Mexican, Korean, Middle […] Read More

April 4 – Welcomed Surprises

#94of365 #FaithBites #Faithjourney Today’s lesson is about unexpected surprises. I love doing things for people. I love to see their smiles, their thanks, and seeing them happy. I usually don’t get a lot of surprises […] Read More

April 3 – Being right at what cost?

#93of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney #ImRightYoureWrong Today’s lesson is about being right. Or more to the question, being right at what cost. I love to be right. I love to debate. I love to prove my knowledge. […] Read More