
July 13 – Whom Do you Rescue?

194 – Whom Do you Rescue? #Faithbites #FaithJourney #FriendRequest Rescue When I think of people in trouble, the first thing that comes to my mind now is Paw Patrol. I know you must think I’m […] Read More

July 2 – Healing Bodies and Hearts

183 – Healing Bodies and Hearts #FaithBites #FaithJourney #FriendsRequest Healing When we think of healing what do you think of? A doctor healing your body? Maybe a loved one healing your broken heart? Could it […] Read More

May 25 – Tweet or Dissertation

#145of365 #FaithBites #Faith Journey Before we get started, I wanted to send special prayers to all those undergoing surgeries and health issues. May the Lord bless you, your family, and the entire medical staff. I […] Read More

May 23 – Influence Vs. Position

#143of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Before we get to today’s FaithBites, I wanted to thank everyone for their support as I was elected to serve our Congregation as the Lay Director of Witness. I am blessed. If […] Read More

April 16 – Calling Out

#106of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney #LavaYou Today’s lesson is about calling out for love, support, and happiness. Today’s lesson is inspired by my oldest daughter and I told her I would give her credit where credit is […] Read More

March 22 – Being Sick

#80of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is about being sick. We have all been sick. The sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, can’t breathe, headache. body ache, fever, etc etc. That is how I’m feeling today. Keeping my […] Read More

January 26 – Believing vs Knowing

Today’s lesson is about belief vs knowing. We talk about believing in things all the time. Believing in God. Believing in magic. Believing in humanity. Believing in peace, justice, and the American Way. We say […] Read More