
July 3 – Withdrawal Symptoms

2:184 – Withdrawal Symptoms #faithbites #faithjourney withdrawal Have you ever experienced withdrawl symptoms? That is when your body is used to certain stimuli and then it is removed. Most people see that in cases of […] Read More

June 19 – I’ve Got 99 Problems, But The Lord Ain’t One

2:169 – I’ve Got 99 Problems, But The Lord Ain’t One #faithbites #faithjourney problems I have many issues I could complain about: health, work, family, religion, politics, and the list goes on. When I complain, […] Read More

June 12 – No Place Like Home

2:163 – No Place Like Home #faithbites #faithjourney home After a long conference and travel, it was nice to sleep in my bed. I was home and safe. That was great. What was even better […] Read More

June 6 – Asking For Help Isn’t Weakness, It’s Strength

2:157 – Asking For Help Isn’t Weakness, It’s Strength #faithbites #faithjourney strength As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes coming up with content for #faithbites is a challenge, other times, it comes easily. Today is one of […] Read More

May 29 – Daddy, I Don’t Know How To Pray

2:149 – Daddy, I Don’t Know How To Pray #faithbites #faithjourney pray Part of our bedtime routines is that we read a story as a family, then we pray together before going to bed. Everyone […] Read More

May 18 – Daddy Snuggle

2:138 – Daddy Snuggles #faithbites #faithjourney snuggle Tonight was family movie night. My youngest wanted to snuggle me. Next thing I knew, she was asleep on me with her arms on top of mine. Every […] Read More

May 6 – Let Me Get This Off My Chest

2:126 – Let Me Get This Off My Chest #faithbites #faithjourney chest Today, I had a coffee break with a friend who is familiar with the doctoral process. I was able to express my concerns, […] Read More