
Judas ate at the table.
November 3 – Judas Ate At The Last Supper

4:307 – Judas Ate At The Last Supper #faithbites #faithjourney Judas Setting My best friend sent me this picture and all I could say was Dang!. It brought home things I have never thought about […] Read More

November 2 – Please Listen To Me

4:306 – Please Listen To Me #faithbites #faithjourney listen Setting Today I had a bad experience with the doctor. He was rushing, late, didn’t really listen to me, and was out the door. He had […] Read More

November 1 – Don’t Boast, Tomorrow Is Unknown

4:305 – Don’t Boast, Tomorrow Is Unknown #faithbites #faithjourney boast Setting Lately I been talking with people about salaries and jobs. I have sheepishly explaoned my salary and experience. I have felt terrible like I […] Read More

October 31 – Be Like The Doctor

4:304 – Be Like The Doctor #faithbites #faithjourney doctor Setting I love science fiction. It takes me to far away places or put a twist on what we already know. One of my favorite shows […] Read More

The past is in the past
October 27 – The Past is the Past

4:300 – The Past is the Past #faithbites #faithjourney past Setting There are many moments in my life that I look back on and wonder what the heck was I thinking. An example was when […] Read More

October 24 – A Setback Isn’t A Loss

4:297 – A Setback Isnt A Loss #faithbites #faithjourney setback Setting I’ve had about three weeks of almost no pain. I’ve been having a good time, doing more, them BAM, its back. While it really […] Read More

October 21 – You Don’t Have To Be An Expert And Thats Ok

4:294 – You Don’t Have To Be An Expert And That’s Ok #faithbites #faithjourney expert Setting In this day and age, it seems everyone wants to be an expert in everything. I’e seen people who […] Read More