
March 13 – Only so much energy

Today’s lesson is about having only so much energy to do the things you need to do. Today, I am tired and grumpy. I don’t know who created the evil that is Daylight Saving Times, […] Read More

March 12 – Busy Work

Today’s lesson is on busy work. I hate busy work. I love to be engaged in active work that impacts people’s lives. Today I spent nearly 3 hours formatting a word document to upload into […] Read More

March 10 – Family Time

Today’s lesson is about family time and the power of family unity. Last night, we were invited to spend the evening with close friends for their family night. At first, I thought we were intruding […] Read More

March 8 – OverCommittment

Today’s lesson is about being too busy or being overcommitted. We are all busy people. We run run run. from work to school to kids activities to church to our activities to housework to everything […] Read More

March 7 – Greetings and Sol-utations

Today’s lesson is about the power of greeting someone. The morning bell rings and chaos ensues at a K-8 school. Students talking to their friends. Parents frantically hugging, kissing, and dropping off their kids while […] Read More

March 3- Pain Stinks

Today’s lesson is about pain. We all have pain. Physical pain, mental pain, spiritual pain, emotional pain. Pain is what defines us and who we are, or so we think. Someone the other day said you are […] Read More

March 2 – Who wants to be Normal?

Today’s lesson is about being normal or the fun of letting your freak flag fly. We are individuals. We have freedom of choice. We have freedom of action. We have the right by God to […] Read More