
April 8 – To Speak or Not to Speak

#98of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Today’s lesson is on speaking and not speaking. Let’s start this off with a statement that anyone who knows me, will agree with: I like to talk. I will talk to anyone, […] Read More

April 1 – Children in Church

#91of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney #Parenting #AprilFools #Easter Today’s lesson in about children in church or more specifically children making a ruckus in worship. Today our family gathered together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus […] Read More

March 26 – Parenting

#85of365 #faithbites #faithjourney #parenting Today’s lesson is on parenting. Let’s face it. We all have opinions when it comes to parenting. We have all given or been given advice on how to parent. Some we […] Read More

March 19 – Money, Money, Money

Today’s post is about money. We all love money and we all hate money. Having money allows us to do things. No having money prevents us from doing things. I have been on food stamps. […] Read More

March 11 – The Circle of Life

Today’s lesson is on the circle of life. No, I’m not talking about the awesome song from Disney’s “Lion King”, but rather the ages and stages we all go through and the pain and joy […] Read More

March 9 – I think I remember?

Today’s lesson is about memorization. I know you are wondering what memorization has to do with the bible or faith. I can tell you it is very connected. I was asked to be in a […] Read More

February 28 – Being Fully Committed and Engaged

Today’s lesson is on being fully committed or fully engaged. I love people. I love my family. I love helping others. I am also honest about myself knowing that very rarely am I fully engaged. […] Read More