
September 3 – Let the Good Times Roll

246 – Let the Good Times Roll In Case God Doesn’t Show #faithbites #faithjourney Roll Party on Wayne. Party on Garth. Today when I was driving to the grocery story, I was listening to Thnks fr […] Read More

August 27 – Thanks For Everything You Do and Are

239 – Thanks For Everything You Do and Are #faithbites #faithjourney Thanks Thank You For Everything You Do. This was a common phrase used by a former supervisor of mine. This person used it so much […] Read More

August 13 – That Time When Your Debit Card is Declined

225 – That Time When Your Debit Card is Declined #faithbites #faithjourney declined Not sure how many of you had this experience before. You are shopping, have everything ready, and begin your check out. When you […] Read More

July 21 – Generations Change but Generations Stay

202 -Generatiosn Change but Generations Stay #FaithBites #FaithJourney Generations Today I had the honor of being at my brother and soon to be sister-in-law’s rehearsal picnic. It was fun in the sun and a great time […] Read More

July 14 – Going to Worship or Going to Church

195 – Going to Worship or Going to Church #FaithBites #FaithJourney Worship Faith, God, Religion, Church, Worship. All of these words can be used interchangeably but they are very different. Today I asked a question […] Read More

July 9 – Breaking Bread

190 – Breaking Bread #FaithBites #FaithJourney Bread I’m not sure about you, but I love to eat. I especially love breads and pastas. Yes, I know they aren’t great for me and I need to […] Read More

July 4 – Mistaken Identity

185 – Mistaken Identity #FaithBites #FaithJourney Mistaken Identity Anyone who knows me knows that I am loud, sometimes obnoxious, and speak before I think. It’s something that I have been working on my whole life, […] Read More