
January 26 – A Bad Day Doesn’t Mean You Are A Bad Person

2:26 – A Bad Day Doesn’t Mean You Are A Bad Person #faithbites #faithjourney person Today has not been a good day. Between my knee of fire, grocery shopping, shoveling, trying to keep the house […] Read More

January 24 – Exhausted AND Energized – Finding Energy in Activity

2:24 – Exhausted AND Energized – Finding Energy in Activity #faithbites #faithjourney activity Today was our second annual curriculum retreat. It was a day I co-planned with our office manager to help nearly 100 faculty […] Read More

January 22 – Do You Understand the Words That Are Coming Out of My Mouth?

2:22 – Do You Understand the Words that Are Coming Out of My Mouth? #faithbites #faithjourney words I try to be a simple guy. (Who am I kidding, but work with me here). I ask […] Read More

January 20 – What’s My Name?

2:20 – What’s My Name #faithbites #faithjourney name When I was younger, I hated the name Solomon or Sol. It was different, unique and I got made fun of, a lot. I often heard the […] Read More

January 9 – After Many Edits, Still Not Good Enough

2:9 – After Many Edits, Still Not Good Enough #faithbites #faithjourney #RoadtoEdD Edits Tonight I was incorporating peer feedback into my dissertation draft. As I was doing that, I noticed “older” parts of the paper […] Read More

January 5 – Challenge Complete. Next!

2:5 – Challenge Complete. Next! #faithbites #faithjourney Challenge Today marks a big day for me. In November of 2017, a friend of mine who shared scripture every day said he was leaving Facebook. I told […] Read More

January 2 – Friends Help Me Be Perfect. Jesus is My friend

2:2 – Friends Help Me Be Perfect. Jesus is My friend #faithbites #faithjourney friends Ideas for faithbites come from a variety of places in a variety of ways, just like God works in mysterious ways. […] Read More