
February 11 – An Army Around You

Today’s lesson is about fear and protection. I am often afraid. Am I being a good father? A good husband? A good worker? A good servant of the Lord? A good friend? Will I do […] Read More

February 9 – Being a Wit

Today’s lesson is about witnessing the Lord. Our Pastor’s have talked about this in depth. I have never thought of myself as a witness. I thought you had to be a pastor, priest, or preacher. […] Read More

February 4 – Broken and Fearful

Today’s lesson is on being broken and fearful. Fear not, I am doing very well. I wanted to touch upon these two topics as it is central to who we are as humans and our […] Read More

January 10 – Letting God Calm You Down

For today’s scripture, I want to share a pop song – Kindly Calm Me Down by Meghan Trainor. I know, what does pop music have to do with scripture and God? While this song is […] Read More

January 8 – Worry

Today’s devotional is about worry. Dealing with anxiety is hard. It makes worry part of everyday. Worry is difficult. Turning things over to God is even harder because that gives us control and having control […] Read More