No Anger. No Enemies
July 13 – A World Without Anger and Judgement
4:194 – A World Without Anger and Judgement

#faithbites #faithjourney anger


I was pursuing Facebook, as I usually do, and saw so many posts putting down one way of life, calling someone names, fighting and raging against one thing or another. I saw anti-black lives matter, anti-christian, anti-democrats, anti-republicans, anti-immigration, anti-unemployment benefits. I even saw many putting two things against each other (serving veterans before unemployed, or veterans vs immigrations). We don’t have to do this. Life isn’t a zero-sum game.

It made me think, what would we do if we weren’t angry at someone. What if there wasn’t an enemy to fight against? I know since the beginning of time we have been fighting amongst ourselves. I also know that when we don’t have a physical enemy to fight, we find ideological enemies. It just keeps going on and on. The issues change, but the need for an enemy is real.

Today’s Questions: When you are against something, is it against an idea or is it to have an enemy? What would you do if you didn’t have an enemy or an other to fight against? How can you release the anger and spread the love?

  • Proverbs 16:7 – When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
  • Hebrews 12:14 – Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.
  • Romans 12:18 – If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

Is peace the opposite of anger? Can we let go of the anger towards a person and turn it towards anger towards a situation? If we take some of the issues above and discuss them, what would that look like. Let’s look at the veteran’s issue. Instead of pitting it against the homeless or refugees, let’s look at veteran’s health care individually. We can all agree that we need to treat our veterans with respect and get the help they need. When we, conflate multiple issues, we have anger and can choose to have an enemy. Just let it go.

Romans, tells us to be at peace with all men. It also says it depends on you. Some won’t be at peace with us, but we can do everything in our power not to be angry, and to share the love of Christ. Our job is to love one another and pursue peace.

As we close, remember, peace starts with us. Releasing anger starts with us. We can’t wait for the other person as that’s like sipping poison and expecting the other person to die. Let the anger go, and the love flow.


Father God, your people are good and finding ways to be angry and to divide. Help us to come together and release the anger. There is nothing to be gained by fighting and conflating issues. Let you love how us that were should love one another. When we have disagreements, let it be about policy, not people. Help us to find solutions to our problems rather than find an enemy to fight against. There is only one enemy and that is sin. We pray for peace, love, and friendship. In your name, Amen.

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