Jan 4 – I Will Be A Christian Who….
3:4 – I will be a Christian Who…

#faithbites #faithjourney christian

I recently came across a blog post entitled “The Kind of Christian I refuse to be”. It speaks about keeping Christ centered in Christianity and loving as Christ does. This #faithbites will be a little different as we will have scripture mixed all the way through.

Many people have a hard time with this. I am not afraid to be a Christian who:

  • Loves His Neighbors As Himself – Mark 12:30-31
  • Tears down walls between people – Ephesians 2:14
  • Share my beliefs with those willing and those who don’t, I will leave them alone.- Luke 9:4-5
  • Live in peace with everyone if possible – Romans 12:18

My beliefs are growing as I deepen my relationship with God. They are not static. God has given us the Bible and has given us prayer. I use both daily

I will always choose to love and learn. My job is not to force my beliefs on anyone. It is not to speak hate. Many say, we need to challenge people to change. That is true, but you can’t challenge growth if you havent invited the person into a relationship wth you. You can’t love them if you dont know them.

When we put up walls, we stop the love of Christ form even starting. I chose to be a disciple and share where I’m wanted, when not, I love, and keep walking. Many willing people to share with first.


If you think you are loving, think about it from someone else’s perspective. Are you challenging them before inviting them? Are you judging without understanding? Try to love first, learn second, invite third, then challenge


Lord, be with us all tonight. Help us to love in peace as you command. Help us to be open to all of your people as we can learn from them. None of is have it right. We know that in you and through you, we will find peace. Your son and paid the price for our sons and you welcome us into your family. Lord let all of us understand what you mean by loving you and our neighbors. In your name, Amen.

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