Month: July 2019

July 3 – Withdrawal Symptoms

2:184 – Withdrawal Symptoms #faithbites #faithjourney withdrawal Have you ever experienced withdrawl symptoms? That is when your body is used to certain stimuli and then it is removed. Most people see that in cases of […] Read More

July 2 – Church (Leaders) is (are) Not God

2:183 – Church (Leaders) is (are) Not God #faithbites #faithjourney church I hope I got your attention with the image. Slight trigger warning. This may bother some as there will be references to pedophila, anger, […] Read More

July 1 – Pain Can Be Useful

2:182 – Pain Can Be Useful #faithbites #faithjourney pain We have all been in pain. It’s one of those things that we can all share and relate too. I have been in pain, physically and […] Read More