Month: June 2022

What makes you feel secure?
6/4 – What’s your security object?

5:155 – What’s your security object #faithbites #faithjourney security Intro I was sitting at the airport, drinking a coffee, and a family came walking by. One of the kids was holding onto his stuffed animal. […] Read More

show value through words and actions
6/3 – Find those who value you

5:154 – Find those who value you #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite value Intro Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t feel valued or appreciated? Maybe it’s not in words but in actions. I […] Read More

sore subjects
6/2 – Sore spots hurt

5:153 – Sore spots hurt #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbites sore Intro We all have those experiences that we don’t want to talk about. Heck, I had a whole other #faithbites planned for today, but because this […] Read More

venting is good for you
6/1 – Venting is good for you

5:152 – Venting is good for you #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite venting Intro Have you ever just needed to vent to someone? How do you feel after venting? Having trusted friends with whom you can bare […] Read More