January 2 – Allow is My Word Of The Year

5:2 – Allow is My Word Of The Year

#faithbites #faithjourney allow


You mmay have see the latest internet crazy in social media. It’s finding your star word or word of the year. Here’s a link if you want to find yours: http://wordoftheyear.me/ The point of the word is to give you something to focus on. It’s simpler than a goal or resolution.. It’s the keyword for your life. The first word I got was endurance and I hated it. I’m sick of just enduring, I want to do more. My bed friend go for another word. I did and got “Allow”.

At first, I hated it until he helped dme understand it. Allow means to let others do for you instead of you for them. It means to allow yourself time to rest, recover, and heal. It means to allow yourself to be happy and let God do his thing.

  • What is your word for the year?
  • How will you Allow God in your life in 2022?
  • Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
  • Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
  • James 1-5 – If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him

God iis always working for us and wants to help us. When we allow him in, the plans he has for us can come to fruition. When we allow him in, he gives us his strength to succeed. And finally, when we allow him in, he answers our questions and gives whatever we need. This is our God, our Lord. All he asks is that we believe in him.

As we close, remember that by allowing God into your life an slet him be your King. Whatever word you find for 2022, let it lead you closer to God.


Father God, thank you for love and everything you promkse us. Let us always open our hearts to you and live by your law. We pray this in your name, Amen

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