Would You Pass The Interview?
July 15 – How Would You Answer These Interview Questions?
4:196 – How Would You Answer These Interview Questions?

#faithbutea #faithjourneu interview


I was standing in the shower this morning and started thinking how much of a mess I am. My back is killing me, I didn’t sleep well, and am tired. Then I started going down the rabbit hole of being a bad parent, not following through with commitments, my negative impact on the world, my health, and it went down hill from there I had to stop myself and try to tell myself, that God loves me, no matter all of this.

We’ve all been in an interview and they ask you what are your strengths and weaknesses. Most of us pump up our strengths and try to explain away our weaknesses. When we are really good about it, we can change or at least describe our weakness as a strength. This is considered a skill by many.

if we get to the truth of the matter, we are all broken, messed up, sinners. God sees this and despite it, despite how we would perform on the interview, he would hire us because he loves us. Jesus made us clean, good, and fit for the job.

Today’s Questions: How do you acknowledge your weaknesses? Do you address them or hide them? How can you accept your weaknesses and find strength in Christ?

  • 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
  • Hebrews 10:14For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.

I am a broken sinner. I’ve had a negative impact on my environment, my loved ones, and those around me. I don’t eat healthily, don’t exercise enough, and let things fall through the cracks. I have done all of this and more. This makes me weak. Would I make it to the next stage of the interview process? Probably not.

Then Jesus came along.

He makes me a forgiven, blessed child of God. I’m far from perfect, but he takes away my sin and makes me stronger. He is the one who turns those weaknesses into strengths. Without him, when judgment day comes, I would have failed the interview. But through him, I am given an eternal inheritance in Heaven living with our Father.

As we close, remember admitting you are a wreck isn’t a fault. It’s a huge strength. When we admit it and let go of any pretenses, we are ready for God to work through us. Are you ready?


Father God, you are an awesome Father. If I was interviewing anyone of us, I would not hire us. Not only did you still love us, but you also sent your Son to die for us, to heal us, and to make us worthy of being with you. For that, we thank you.

Lord, help us to admit our weakness. Let our ears, eyes, hearts, and minds be open to the work you want us to do. Let us be ready to receive our on-the-job training to get us ready for our promotion to live with you. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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