June 20 – Silenzio, Bruno
4:171 – Silenzio, Bruno

#faithbites #faithjourney Bruno


I’m in my head a lot. By that I mean, I think alot and have a ton of scenarios always running through my head. Most of them are negative and out of anger or fear. This afternoon, the family sat down to watch Disney Pixar’s Luca. It was a fun and cute movie. One part of it, which isn’t a spoiler, is Alberto tells Luca he has a Bruno in his head. Bruno is that voice in your head saying you can’t or aren’t good enough or strong enough. His answer is to say, “Silenzio, Bruno!” In other words, w need to tell that voice that leads us to temptation, sin or puts us down, Silenzio! There is only one voice we need to listen to and that’s God.

Today’s Questions: Do you have a Bruno in your head? What does your Bruno tell you that isn’t in alignment with God’s plans for you? How to you silence, Bruno?

  • James 4:7 – Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
  • John 10:10 – The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

In cartoons, we often see a little angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other shoulder. If only it was that easy.

Call it Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, the their, or Bruno, we all have that voice in our head. I don’t know if it’s because of my anxiety and depression, but I it is always present. I fight against those scenarios and voices but they don’t seem to go away. Maybe, becuase I haven’t given in to these thoughts and deeds, I am “winning”. Jesus says the devil fights even harder with those stronger in the faith. We are called to resist the devil.

God’s voice may not be the loudest in our heads because the spirit is willing but the flesh is week. Our job is to keep resisting temptation and Jesus will give us a rich and satisfying life.

As we close, remember to shout, “Silenzio, Bruno!”, when Satan and temptation is in your head. Jesus is the voice we need to seek and listen to.


Lord God, thank you for being with us daily. We love you and seek your voice above all others. Tonight, we pray that you help us fight against the voices in our head that make us think we are not worthy of your love. You tell us we are loved and we believe. We pray all of this in your name, Amen.

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