Into the Woods
June 18 – Into The Woods
4:169 – Into the Woods

#faithbites #faithjourney woods


In about three hours, my youngest and I will head to camp CILCA for an overnight camping trip. While we were packing, she asked if she could bring her tablet and her phone. When I said No, she was a bit mad. When I told her there was no internet out there, she looks confused, shocked, and unsure. I know #FirstWorldProblems. She illustrates that sometimes we are just too connected, too available, too ready to serve. We just need to go into the woods, and yes it’s a fun musical, for some nature time.

While I”m not looking forward to preparing for it, it’s my anxiety, I am looking forward to just getting away. We need sabbath rest, and often it is hard to do it in our normal environments. We have to get away. Even Jesus often went into the wilderness for solitude and rest.

Today’s Questions: Where is your resting place? How do you rest when there. If you can’t get to your woods or other spaces, what tips do you have for relaxing and get true rest?

  • Psalm 55:6 – I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.
  • Mark 6:31 – Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
  • Mark 6:32 – So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

We may not have the wings of a dove to fly away for rest. Many of us can’t afford a beach vacation or a Disney trip. (Yes, for some Disney is their place of rest). While money may be an issue, we need some where to go. Even the disciples had to go to a solitary place for rest. The thing is, this doesn’t have to be an epic place. It could be a park bench, a trail, a walk through the woods, or any place that you can just disconnect for a bit. Sure, we’d all love a months-long break to the woods or other places to recharge, but let’s be realistic. What we can do is take a rest plan. Start with daily. What can you do for five minutes to rest. Then think weekly, how can you get away for an hour or two to a place that is special to you? Then think about the longer trips to your place of rest.

Some days we will do go on this, other days, not so much. But if we don’t try, we will never get there. My place is the Ocean. I went 9 years between visits and it was too long. But any water works for me. So I need to start going to the park to a lake to just take it in.

As we close, remember that rest isn’t an extra or an optional. It’s required. If God took the seventh day off and if Jesus went alone to pray, then you can too. Find that place and make it special.


Lord God, we thank you for those places of rest. We thank you for your example that rest is needed. We pray that you help us get to those places of rest and if we can’t get there, let us find rest where we are. Too often we focus on the doing and not on the being still. Help us to be still, rest, recuperate, and enjoy everything that you have given us. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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