June 2 – Sunburnt or Sonburnt?
4:153 – Sunburnt or Sonburnt?

#faithbites #faithjourney sunburnt


Three days in the sun and water, make for a little sunburnt, Som. I’ve been living up everyday but yesterday I didn’t do a great job. I’m a bit sore but a quick trip to the pharmacy last night for some aloe burn medicine and an aloe lotion and I’m on the mend.

This got me thinking about life and such. Who is responsible for me being sunburnt? Is it the Sun or was it me for not putting enough sunscreen on? Most would agree, it’s my fault?

If that’s the case, then why do we blame God or Jesus when things go wrong? We cry out when we are Sonburnt for his help. I don’t know all things but I don’t think we are Sonburnt, rather the world is attacking is for following the Son. Just like there is aloe and burn medicine for a sunburn, there is help when we feel Sonburnt.

Today’s Questions: How do you repair your soul when you feel Sonburnt? What can you do to avoid or reduce that feeling?

  • James 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
  • Proverbs 19:3 – People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the LORD.
  • Galatians 6:5 – For we are each responsible for our own conduct
  • 1 Peter 5:8 – Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

When we are feeling Sonburnt, we need to realize that God only wants the best for us. He has plans for for us to keep us away from evil, love us, and provide a future for us. A good future!

There are two things that make those plans harder. One is our chooses and the other is choses from others. All of those come from the roaring lion, the Devil. While the Son wants to forgive and save us, the Devil wants to devour us.

When we make bad choices, we will reap the consequences just as good choices have good consequences. I can’t blame God for making the Sun hot and giving me a sunburn. I knew the weather and failed to take precaution. That doesn’t mean I’m on my own and it should be cast out, it means that my consequences are my own. Just as when we sin, we have consequences, but Jesus is always there to forgive us.

Sometimes it seems like bad things happen to good people. And it does. Some are because of the choices of others. This isn’t God smiting you. It is God who will lift you up from the darkness.

As we close, remember that when you feel Sonburnt it is sin and the devil doing the burning. Just like lotion to sooth the skin the Son and the word of God can sooth your soul.


Father God, we thank you for everything you have giving us. We ask forgiveness when we blame you for our mistakes or the mistakes of the world. We know that you only want is to succeed, grow, and prosper. Please help is heal from our burns and always turn back to you for help and rescue. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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