fun and work
January 12 – Having Fun With Work
4:12 – Having Fun With Work

#faithbites #faithjourney fun


Today was a busy day at work, but I did have fun. I was able to facilitate a session for two hours with second-year medical students. While it was hard material for them, it was fun to see them learning, struggling, and working together. It’s one of those moments where your work isn’t separate from fun.

Often we see that you work to afford you leisure or fun activities. There are times when both can happen at the same time. At a graduation ceremony a few years ago, the speaker gave this advice: “Find something that you love so much that you would do it for free, then do it so well, someone will pay you to do it.”

As with everything, there is balance. Some days at work will be good, some will be bad, and some will be fun. Here’s to trying to find meaningful, fun, and enjoyable work.

  • Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
  • Proverbs 23:4 – Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit.

Just a short reflection tonight. Remember to have fun at what you do. Work it with all your heart as if you are working for God. We should have pride and joy in pleasing the Lord. At the same time, it’s all about balance. Work should have meaning and it should fulfill us. Working just for the money never satisfies. There is never enough money to buy happiness.

Even if you love your job, not every day will be great and not every day will be bad. Ups and downs for sure. Just make sure that the good outnumber the bad, that you are working for God, and working to share his love. This is not as easy as I know many who are not doing what their heart wants. Turn it over to God and see if he leads you down a different path.

Rejoice, work hard, have fun, and above all, love God.


Father God, these days many of your people are struggling to make ends me. They are working multiple jobs, have lost jobs due to the pandemic, or are just working to work and don’t enjoy it. Help us all to be doing the jobs you want us to do. Help us to find joy, love, and peace in our work and in our rest. We know that all things are possible through you. We ask this in your name, Amen.

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