Seek Clarification
May 21 – Clarification Please
3:142 – Clarification Please

#faithbites #faithjourney clarification

Have you ever misunderstood someone? Read into a social media post wrong? Thought someone meant something when they didn’t. Have you sought clarification?

I had a colleague today call me to clarify an email he sent last night. He wanted to make sure that were on the same page. That really meant a lot to me. Often we read into things and make assumptions that can be just wrong.

Do you search for clarification or accept at face value?

  • Amos 3:7 – “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.”
  • 1 Corinthians 14:33 (a) – For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 
  • Habakkuk 2:2 – Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.

God is not a God of confusion and deciet. He wants us to know his plans (secrets) and he wants them written plainly. The purpose of the Bible isn’t to confuse. But we often misinterpret it. We read into it reflecting our own wants, needs, and desires. What was written may not be what was meant.

Likewise, when we talk to people, let’s use plain language. Let us be clear in our words and actions. When we aren’t or they are confused, let us clarify in kindness.

About 20 years ago, when email was used a lot more than today, a DJ was saying how hard it is to read emotion into email. She suggested we use color coating to anger, sarcasm, sadness, and joy. That if we used colors it could reduce the confusion in our words.

One parting thought. Our words may need even more clarification when they don’t match our actions. If are words are of kindness but our actions are not, there is confusion. If we are harsh in our words but try to act in kindness, there is confusion. Be a person who is open to clarify and to seek clarification in all you do.


Think about a time when there was a mismatch between someone’s words and actions. Or instead, think about a time when you weren’t sure if what you read or heard was what someone meant. Did you seek clarification? Has anyone sought clarification from you? If not, try it next time. Be a person who is both open to and willing to provide clarification.


Lord Jesus, you forgive us and love us no matter what. Often we try to read into your word ot make it say what we want it to. Help us to stay true to what you have given us. When we err, help us seek clarification to make sure we stay on track. Lord, let us speak plainly and with kindness. Let our words be truthful and not cause confusion. When we speak, let us channel you always. In your name, Amen.

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