Are you Worried or Stressed?
Mar 30 – Tipping Point
3:90 – Tipping Point

#faithbites #faithjourney tipping

I have been really stressed lately. The back has been a mess and trying to work from home, homeschool, and everything else has got me on edge. I felt that I was at a tipping point this morning with my daughters and about to lose my cool. I was initially able to keep it in check, but man, then I let it get the better of me.  It is extremely difficult to parent at times. The scary part is once you go over the tipping point you can’t go back, or at least it’s very hard to. (Que forgiveness)

The illustration above represents one type of tipping point. We face these points throughout our lives. Some deal with work, love, money, or even faith. While the other side of the tipping point doesn’t have to be bad, in fact, some can be quite good, it is always scary to step away from the familiar.

  • “Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other.” – Isaiah 45:22
  • I considered my ways And turned my feet to Your testimonies. – Psalm 119:59
  • “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;” – Acts 3:19

Hitting rock bottom can be a tipping point. There is no place to go but up. Dropping all the facades in your life can be a tipping point. Realizing that you can’t do it all yourself can be one as well.

God is saying in Isaiah to turn to him and be saved. The Psalmist tells us that he turned away from his ways back to God. And in Acts, we see repent and return so you may be forgiven. These are powerful moments.

Deciding to take a step towards God is a major tipping point. It’s a chance for a change. And this may be scary for you. It may be giving up the illusion you can do it by yourself and needing help. You might even feel weak by doing it, but he is the God of Angel armies, the creator of the universe. I don’t think there is anything weak about asking for help. It reminds me of the old joke about the person with the “Jesus is my co-pilot bumper sticker”. How good of driver do you have to be that Jesus is a co-pilot 🙂

So while you may be at a tipping point in your life, know that Jesus is always a good place to turn to. I need to reflect and pray for peace and understanding.


Are you teetering? Maybe it’s the isolation. Maybe it’s just too much of everything. Turn to Christ. He will give you rest, comfort, and revitalization.


Lord Jesus, forgive my anger. Help me to know that I can always turn to you. Let us know that no matter how scared we are to turn to you, you are there for us. There is no tipping point that we can’t overcome with you on our side. We aren’t weak when we ask for help form the King of the Universe. We love you and give you all the thanks and glory. In your name, Amen.

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