Dec 2 – Jesus where are my keys
2:336 – Jesus where are my keys

#faithbites #faithjourney keys

When you read the title of this #faithbites, how did you read it? Was it taking the Lord’s name in vain or was it asking a question?

For me, as I searched my car and gas station for my missing keys, it was more the latter. I was praying for Jesus to help me find my keys. (Long story short: I threw them away in the garbage can)

Did Jesus help me find them? Maybe. There was a worker who asked if I checked the outside cans. I had checked the bathroom trash..not pleasant.

Here’s the thing. We can go to God or Jesus for anything we need at any time or just in Thanksgiving. We don’t have to curse or come in desperation. Every reason is a reason to come to God

  • Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. – 1 Chronicles 16:11
  • “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. – Luke 11:9-10

Not just when we are sad or lost or needy, but in all times. When we seek the Lors he will open the door to us in ways we will never imagine or see. All we have to do us be near him.

So my “Jesus, where are my keys?”, was a call for help that was answered.

God is always listening, always ready for you to come to him. No questions askes.


Don’t wait for the bad stuff to happen to go to God. He is always there and wants you to go to him. He will answer.


Father God, it’s been a rough day. Thank you as always for putting good people in my path to help me find lost items, from keys to myself. You are a God for all reasons and all seasons. Help us to always come to you in joy and pain and everything in between. We love you Lord. Amen.

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