2:269 – Am I The Right Man (or Woman) for the Job?
#faithbites #faithjourney #redletterchallenge Right
I often suffer from imposter syndrome. The feeling when you are just faking it and don’t deserve to be where you are at. That other people are more qualified, more prepared, and just plain better than you for a specific job or task. When you had faith in the mix, it gets even more intense. Why would God chose me to do this? What is he thinking?
This pairs nicely with our topic in D2MC (more on this tomorrow) about people of peace. Those people who trust you and you trust who can grow in the word and share it. You may not like them but they may be who God is choosing to fill a specific role.
Let’s wrap all of this into the week’s topic of forgiveness. If Jesus forgives Peter, if Saul can be forgiven, then anyone can be forgiven and used by God.
- For this is what the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. – Isaiah 57:15
- And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do. – Jeremiah 18:4
We are all broken and marred clay. We have lowly spirits at times. The potter, God, doesn’t toss us to the side. He recasts us into a servant and vessel for him. That may sound like churchenese so let’s make it simple. We sin, we fall short. God forgives, heals, and hardness us to do work.
When He forgives us, we are ready to work. He challenges us to forgive as he does. That those who are broken, lowly, and unbelieving, may very well be who God wants for his service. God has already forgiven them, we need to follow his example.
You never know where who God is going to use and in what role he is going to use you in. Forgiveness starts this for all of us.
No one deserves forgiveness, as we didn’t from God. But Jesus won our forgiveness. Forgive those even if you can’t stand them and can’t even see how God may use them. He has a plan. It may be healing your heart and it may be bringing them to his family. Make the first step.
Lord, all week we have been discussing forgiveness. You forgive us and help us to see your light. Help us to forgive others even if we don’t feel they don’t deserve it. We aren’t to judge but follow you and your word. Give us the strength to improve beyond our own feelings and be with you in forgiveness and community. In your name, Amen.
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