August 3 – To Serve Others
2:215 – To Serve Others

#faithbites #faithjourney serve

Tonight we were discussing how we behave when we get angry. Cece says she shuts down. I get mad then I shut down. I told her the things that get me most angry is when people don’t do what I suspect them to do and when they don’t provide the service they should.

I have high expectations on service. This includes public servants, customer service, and friend/family service. When people aren’t serving others or are true what they say they are, I get upset.

Service is part of Jesus’s commandment of loving your neighbor. When we serve, we share God’s love. For me, when I see people not doing that, it bothers me. I’m trying to get better at it, but if we want to be Christ-like, service is key.

  • God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.Hebrews 6:10
  • You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.Galatians 5:13
  • The greatest among you will be your servant. – Matthew 23:11

God knows our works. We should use our flesh to serve one another and in love. We also know that the greatest among you will be your servant.
We show we are lie Christ, through our service. The way we do this is serve people in ways they need with love. This isn’t done by neglecting them, ignoring our duties, or by serving our own needs first. We need to serve others how they need it, in the timeframe that works for them.
This isn’t an easy command. We have our own needs and want them fulfilled as well. Imagine if we all served each other equally. By doing that, we would have our needs met through the Lord who puts others in our path.


Look at those around you. Are you serving them? Are you sacrificing to serve? If not, then maybe you should change your approach. Look at how to approach them and serve them in the way they need it.


Heavenly Lord, we are your servants. If we follow your word, we need to serve. Help us to see everyone around us as a way to show your love. We know it’s easy to fall into temptation and serve only ourselves. Give us the strength and direction to serve our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and all your children. We can do all these things with your love and strength. In your gracious name, Amen.

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