July 25 – Generous Giving Is Rewarded
2:206 – Generous Giving Is Rewarded

#faithbites #faithjourney generous #DisneyDreaming #DisneyMagic

Today was Magic Kingdom Day. My children became princesses on the outside to match their inner princess. My youngest fell in love with a pair of shoes she wanted. We told her maybe later, maybe later, all day long. At the end of the day when we went to get them, they didn’t have any in her size. The Disney Cast member, I think her name was Camille at the Emporium, was amazing. She called all around Disney looking for them and didn’t find them. She tried so hard. My youngest was balling. The she gave her an Ariel Barbie Doll. She was amazing. Her giving helped my youngest have a better night. Just a little giving and Disney Magic can change someone’s life.

We can change the lives of those around us when we give generously. From our time, treasure (tithes and offerings), and talent, we can make this Earth a bit more heaven-like.

  • Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7


We all can give in live. Most times we don’t give as much as we want to because we are fearful of not having enough for ourselves. Other times we expect others to give and make sure everyone has what they need. Tonight, I saw someone go out of her way to give because she cares. Sure, I know Disney will pay for it. But her time and compassion really showed through.

Imagine if all God’s people showed a little Disney magic and gave like she did? What would our world look like if we really tried to help everyone when they were in a bind? I’d like to live on that world.


This one is easy to say, hard to do. Help those in need with your gifts. Time, tapyent, and treasure are all needed. Give because you want to, not because you have to.


Lord, thank you for role models on giving and caring. Help us to all be as giving and compassionate as some of the people at Disney. Let us all feel your love so that we may give and share generously all the days of our lives. In your name, Amen.

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