July 26 – Dancing In The Rain
2:207 – Dancing In The Rain

#faithbites #faithjourney rain #disneydreaming

Today was Animal Kingdom Day. It started muggy then rained most of the day. While the kids ride rides and saw shows, the funniest thing was the dance party in the middle of the square. It wasn’t a ride, it wasn’t an experience, just a side thing. The girls danced, jumped, and ran around. No grumping, no expectations, just enjoying it.

Imagine if we all just took a few minutes to dance in the rain. Nothing planned or expected, just a dance party in the rain. God gives us the sun and the rain. Let’s enjoy all seasons.

  • Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! – Philipians 4:4

During the sunny times and the rain, we should rejoice in our Lord. We are given so many things but forget about them in the rainy seasons.

Also remember that we don’t need to plan something extravagant. Simple things like music and rain can make for a great night.

Let’s take a step away from our expectations and just enjoy life.


Two small charges. First, remember during the sunny times and rainy times, God is there. Love him always and be blessed. Second, don’t over plan. Sometimes, the most fun is the box a toy came in instead of the toy. Just enjoy it.


Lord, let us enjoy dancing in the rain, no matter what we expected. Be with us are we push aside our expectations of what is fun and what you want and rejoice in you through all seasons. In Your Name, Amen.

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