#110of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney
Today’s lesson is about excited anticipation with positive skepticism. Ok, I know this is probably the longest title of a faithbites yet, but I couldn’t come up with something shorter that still has all the feeling. As many of you know, I’m an excitable kind of guy. I love to see new things. I get wrapped up in excitement and the art of the possibility. Sometimes, I am guilty of looking before I leap.
Today, I had the honor of spending the day with over 25 admitted students to a new medical school. Let me tell you, these students are rockstars. They have probably forgotten more about engineering and medicine that I will ever know. These are the best of the best students. They are embarking on a new journey, at a new medical school, with a new outlook on medical education. Today, I got to see their excitement. They wanted to start now. They wanted to ask every question they could think of. They had the excitement, the love, and the anticipation of an entirely new chapter in their lives. Now, I normally wouldn’t talk about money here, but it is important. All of these students have been awarded as part of being in the first class, four years of medical school, tuition-free. (For those of you who don’t know what med school costs, that’s like getting a check for $250,000). I bring that up because even with this huge incentive, they still asked the hard questions. They challenged us. They wanted to make sure what we said we would offer, we can deliver. They asked us extrmely hard questions, and we answered truthfully. They wanted to be part of the process. They approached this awesome opportunity with excitement, anticipation, and positive skepticism. (As a side note, one student came up to me after the day and said I was skeptical. But this day, talking to everyone here has shown me that you are going to be able to deliver on my education. You have sold me. I’m in. That touched me more than you would know. It makes it all worth it).
To make a long story short, this is how many approach faith.

From the Litter Box Confidential wordpress.
“Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?” And Abraham said to God, “If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!” – Genesis 17:17-19
“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” – Jude 1:3
Even the great Abraham question God, and God delivered. He gave him a child at 100. Our Jude scripture says that I urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. I am excited to serve the Lord. I am anxious for the next life. I am skeptical but in a respectful and positive way. I know that is part of sin and the Devil. I ask questions. I look towards my salvation with open eyes and an open heart.
Like those students who are trusting us with their education, embarking on a new journey. They have faith in us as we have Faith in God. We know God loves us even though we can be skeptical and ask hard questions. He is always there to answer them and ease our minds.
Are you willing to commit to God? Are you willing to ask the hard questions and listen to God’s answers?
I am willing (with the help of God)
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