Measure Success
May 4- Measure Against Yourself. You Will Get It!
4:124 – Measure Against Yourself. You Will Get It!

#faithbites #faithjourney measure


On Sunday, my youngest wanted me to take off the training wheels on her bike. SHe was pumped. Well, as you could expect, she fell, a lot. She was frustrated and wanted to give us. She said, everyone in the neighborhood is better at riding a bike than she was. I told her her older sister couldn’t ride a bike yet. But in her mind, she didn’t measure up to what was expected of someone her age.

In my job, I had a student who was doing ok, but they didn’t think they were anywhere near their classmates. They felt that no matter what they did, they couldn’t measure up to the expectations.

I feel that way often. That I’m not a good enough father, husband, son, worker, or Christian. I try to push that aside and work the best I can and ask God for his help.

We can’t measure ourselves against others. Remember God made you unique!

Today’s questions: How should we gauge our progress in life? What measures does God give us or want us to use in life?

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12 – We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.
  • Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

If I measure how I play basketball against someone who has trained their whole life, I will fall short. If I measure my body against someone who is exercising daily, I will fail. In those two situations it is something I have some control over. What about measuring how I learn versus someone else? I don’t have any control over that just like I can’t say I wish I was taller. It doesn’t make sense.

God doesn’t want us to measure ourselves against the activities of someone else. The poor lady gave two coins, all she had, and that was a bigger offering that those who had much more money. The quantity doesn’t matter.

What God does want us to do, is to measure ourselves against ourselves. Are we spending more time with Him in prayer? Are we getting better at loving and serving others? Can we do more now through him than we did before? These are the measures that he wants us to us.

My daughter, struggled on day one. On day two, she got right back on the bike, and did much more on her own. She is far from perfect, and even tried to put her self down. I had to show her how much progress she has made. Here’s the thing, we all struggle but if we don’t give up and ask God for help, we will get it in the end.

As we close, can you share what measures you use for your life? God loves you no matter what you think and no matter how you chose to measure yourself.

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