2/23 – Messed Up Dinner, Ordered Pizza

5:56 – Messed Up Dinner, Order Pizza

#faithbites #faithjourney dinner


Tonight II was making a recipe for pork loin and rice in the ninja foodi. I was doing good until I read the last line of the recipe. This is for pork tenderloin not pork roast. So I scrambled and tried to switch it up. Let’s say the rice and veggies were great but the roast was ruined. So we ordered pizza and will use the sides tomorrow. It was my fault but no big deal.

What does that have to do with faith? We mess up all the time and God forgives us. When we are forgiven our future may not look like it did before but it’s on the path he wants us to be on. So no pork roast for dinner for us, but a pizza and we all liked it. Sometimes we have to mess up to realize we aren’t on the right path.

  • When you make a mistake, do you have a backup plan?
  • How do you acknowledge your mistakes, especially when they impact others?
  • Philippians 3:13 – Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
  • Proverbs 11:2 – When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

When I made dinner and messed up, I could have just waited and tried to make it work and just do it. It’s hard to say I messed up and ask forgiveness. Jesus tells us that we need to let down our pride, ask forgiviness and it will be given. He freely gives it, all we have to do is ask. It doesn’t matter if it’s small like messing up dinner or something larger, it is always there.

We also have to remember that when Jesus forgives us, we have to let it go, we can’t stay stuck in it. Once Jesus forgives us, it is forgiven, we can’t keep punishing ourselves doe it.

As we close, remember no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and we can all be forgiven. We just have to admit it, ask for forgiveness, and then accept that Jesus has given you that forgiveness.


Fathwr God, thank you for forgiving us. We pray that you help us to not be prideful and to always admit our faults. Let us accept your forgiveness through Jesus. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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