Anticipation is good
2/12 – Anticipation and Reactions

5:43 – Anticipation and Reactions

#faithbites #faithjourney Anticipation


Anticipation has set in at the Roberts-Lieb household. In 12 hours, we will be on a plane for vacation and we are excited. Maybe it’s because we have been anticipating this trip for months or it’s the escape from a Midwest Winter, or it’s just having fun, things have reached a fever pitch here. The funny thing about anticipation is everyone reacts differently. I can’t sleep and am anxious. One child is excited and doing a bit of homework to get it done before we go. Another child is just combative, angry, running amok, and whining. My wife is planning, packing, and checking things off of lists. We are all anticipating the same thing, but react very differently.

Our faith tells us that we will have eternal life if we have faith in Christ. But many people react very differently to that anticipation.

  • What does having eternal live look like to you?
  • How do you balance or find harmony between anticipation and living daily live.
  • Has your anticipation caused you to react in ways you weren’t expecting?
  • James 1:!2 – Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
  • Matthew 5:33 – But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
  • Galatians 6:9 – And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Eternal life. A life with no pain, no sorrow, and everything we could ever want and need. This is what our salvation looks like through Jesus Christ. Who wouldn’t want that? Some want this so much for others that they become the street corner preacher who shames and hurts. Others see what service they can do to earn that salvation. Still, others live their life, focus on God, and be the best human they can be.

We know God doesn’t require works to earn salvation. He also tells us to love one another. It can be hard when that anticipation reaches a fever pitch. God’s word tells us to remain steadfast, seek first God’s kingdom, and never grow weary of doing good. All of these can help us balance the anticipation with the strange behaviors that can lead us astray.

As we close, remember to be patient and understand your behaviors. Know that while your time with the Lord is coming, he has work for you here. Focus on today and tomorrow through Christ, will take care of itself. And pray for my sanity as we have a family going a bit crazy looking forward to tomorrow.


Father in Heaven, we love you. Thank you for being able to take vacations. Thank you to those who will pick up our slack as we rest and recuperate. Lord, help all of us to understand our actions and how they affect others. Help us be kind, loving, and use our anticipation in service to you. It can be hard for us to resist the temptation to act out, brag, and be a bit wild as we are approaching our reward. We turn it over to you and ask for your forgiveness, love, and support. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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