January 14 – Sharing The Hurt Can Stop The Hurt

5:14 – Sharing The Hurt Can Stop The Hurt

#faithbites #faithjourney hurt


No oone wants to be hurt. We keep certain details about our lives to ourselves so we don’t get hurt. What would happen if we shared why we act the way do do? I had some Ken tell me that they were in chronic pain and that’s why they make the faces they do online. Many had interpreted that to show disinterest or anger. Knowing the why, changes the feel from dismissive or ticked off to compassion.

In the US, we tend not to share our hurt, our mental struggles, our financial issues with others. We say we are fine and act as if everything is OK. We are afraid of that information being used to hurt us. Its crazy that we keep our hurt t our selves to avoid being hurt.

  • Do you honestly share your struggles with others?
  • Are you afraid that others may use your pain to judge you?
  • Philippians 2:3 – Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
  • 1 Peter 2:17 – Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

If we loved and respected one another, this wouldn’t be an issue. No one would be afraid to share their hurts and pains so that others can understand where they are coming from. I’ve shares my back chronic pain and my mental health with others. Now, when they see certain facial expressions, they ask if it’s pain or something else. They adjust and no one, to my knowledge, has used this against me.

Today is all about trust. Sure, no one has a right to our information. It’s ours but when we share and are respected, others share. Then we can all learn what makes one another tick. We need to be mindful and caring fo one another. No secrets, no lies, more understanding.

As we close, remember we have to trust to earn trust. Let us share what needs to be shared so others. Can trust us and understand why we do what we do.


Lors God, we pray for everyone with chronic pain no matter the source. We ask for your healing. Lord, we ask that you warm our hearts so we can share our story and why we do what we do. Help us share openly and respectfully. Father, help us understand and love together in harmony. In your name we pray, Amen.

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