October 17 – Daddy Come Cuddle Me
4:290 – Daddy Come Cuddle Me

#faithbites #faithjournry cuddle


Sometimes you have plans that need to be postponed. Today I was warching TV and an announcement came across Alexa, “Daddy, come cuddle me.” This was from my youngest who just wasn’t feeling good. Allergies and sinus plus lack ofnsleep havw made her out of sorts. I have a hundred things to do, but sometimes just cuddling is what you needed to do. We need to listen to God on where we are supposed to spend our time and energy, even if its different than what we planned.

Today’s Questions: How do you know when your plans should be postponed? When are the needs of others more important than yours?

  • Philippians 2:4 – Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others
  • Hebrews 13:16 – Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

First and foremost our needs are important. We can’t neglect ourselves. As they say, put on your own mask before putting on others. What we are talking about here isn’t neglecting yourself but making the sacrifice to cuddle rsther than indulge yourself. God wants us yo sacrififce and help others. This is clear in the Phillipians verse where we see need to look at both our interests and others. So it is a balancing act for sure.

Moments are fleeting and building relationships can last a lifetime. Sometimes we need to take time to cuddle and just spend time with others. We may not see immediate reward and actually may feel a lost because we didn’t do what we planned.

As we close, remember that we have to have faith in God and know that he will lead us where we need to go.


Father God, sacrificing is hard. It wouldn’t be called a sacrififce if it was easy. Lord, help us to make time to cuddle and to share the moments that will never come back. We trust you with our lives and help usto follow you always. Amen.

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