September 23 – Oh The Places You’ll Go!
4:266 – Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

#faithbites #faithjourney places


Tonight, I was helping my youngest with her reading. She chose, Dr. Seuss’s, Oh The Places You’ll Go. As we read it, she loves rhe happy parts and wanted to walk away at the sad parts. Ww talked about how lofe is very much like that. She really didnt like the pages in The Waiting Place. Ive read this book many times and each time it resonates more and more. Its one of the books that seems to add more meaning after you’ve experienced more in life. Or in book parlance, experienced more places.

God’s word is like that. You couod read the same passage over and ovee and depending on whats going on in your life, get different meanings. But if you dont read, you wont get it.

Today’s Questions: Have you ever reread a passage of scripture and pulled something different out of it? If the words arent changing, why does the message seem to change?

  • 1 Corinthians 2:10 – these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
  • Proverbs 30:5 – “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

If we believe God’s word is true, then he mad eit for us to learn. If we believe that God os there through all our challenges, then wouldnt his word need to apply to those challenges? He provided us with a spirit to learn ans the Holy Spirit to help us understand his word. As we grow and need it, the Holy Spirit helps us see the deeper meaning of scripture. Like us, his word is alive and applicable to all situations. We just need to be open to it.

As we close, remember Gods word never changes. We change theough the spirit to bettwr appreciate the word and apply it to our current situations. No magter the places we go, even the dreaed waiting place, God is with us and will help is thrive.


Lord God, we thank you for your word. We thank you for it applying to all places we may go and all situations we may encounter. Tonight we pray for peacr, grace, and understanding. Help us to see the deeper meaning of your word and apply it to all situations in kindness and love. Amen.

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