July 5 – Everybody Poops
4:186 – Everybody Poops

#faithbites #faithjourney poops


You probably looked at the title for this #faithbites and thought that give lost my mind. How or what does pooping have to do with faith or life? We all poop!

When my kids were younger, they read a book called, Everybody Poops. by Taro Gomi. The book explains the bodily process but also that all manner of creature poop! They may poop in different ways and different places, but the mechanism is the same.

I as thinking about people who are more well off than I. Guess what, they poop just like me. People who are far worse off than me, poop.

No matter our situation, we are all the same. God made us unique in our own way but the trials and tifbilations are no different. We all experience hardships be it financial, spiritual, emotional, relationship, or others. They may look different based on our situation, but we all have difficulties. What separates us is much smaller than that which makes us the same. When we look at people we need not to judge by our circumstance but show love for them.

Today’s Questions: How does knowing we are the same, help us in building relationships? How does knowing we are all the same change your perspective on other people?

  • 1 Corinthians 10:13 – The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
  • Acts 10:34 – So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality,

Life is hard. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. There are benefits and struggles to each. Some people have struggles for what they are vs who they are.

Here’s the truth. No temptation that you have us unknown to mankind. It may look slightly different but it is the same and God will help you through. God also shows no partiality. He loves us and all of his people thought everything.

As we close, remwbr everybody poops. We all put on our pants the same way. The pants may be different styles or colors but they are all pants and we need to wear them.


Lord God, thank you for making us all unique. Thank you for promising us that you will take care of us and nothing is beyond your reach.

Lord, we pray that you help us remember that though we have different challenges we are the same. We pray that you help us not judge someone’s circumstances by our lense but turn it over to you. In your name, Amen.

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