Prayers for New Opportunities
June 25 – Pray For New Opportunities

4:176 – Pray for New Opportunities

#faithbites #faithjourney opportunities


Yesterday we prayed for those who needed healing. Today we pray for those with new opportunities. In the past week, I have had at least 5 friends and coworkers tell me they are leaving or starting a new opportunity. Most have been by choice, others due to circumstances outside their direct control. New Opportunities, like any change, can be scary. It’s scary for those starting new and those who are left behind. (I don’t like that term, but can’t think of a better term right now).

God works in mysterious ways. We know this and believe it. I truly believe that God is placing these friends in new areas with new opportunities to serve. SO today we pray for everyone starting over, starting new, or venturing out.

Today’s Questions: How do you feel when someone else has a new opportunity? What can you do to support and love them when they are leaving? How do you balance the excitement of something new for them and the fear of change for you?


  • Romans 8:28“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
  • Psalm 90:17 – May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;    establish the work of our hands for us—    yes, establish the work of our hands.


God has plans for us and those plans do not include harm. All we need to do is know that he has plans and will place us where we need to be. God made us unique and has a specific purpose and work for us. This helps us to know that even though change is hard, if we listen and love him, we will have the work that he wants us to have.

New opportunities are exciting but also scary. When you think about changing housing, school, church, work, doctors, and more, it can be mind-numbing. When you do it in a time crunch for a new job, even more so. Today, we pray for all those with new opportunities that their opportunities are blessed and they have peace in their new adventure.


Lord Jesus, thank you for creating us unique and with specific purposes. Help our friends and family who are beginning new adventures. Bless that opportunity. Help them to make new connections and share your word wherever they live, work, or play. Lord, we also pray for those left behind. Help us to support them, love them, and be here for them. Also help us as we look towards our own new opportunities. We pray for love, peace, and support during these transitions. In your name, Amen.

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