Are You The Judge? If not, why are you judging?
May 20 – Who Made You The Judge?
4:140 – Who Made You The Judge?

#faithbites #faithjourney judge


Why are you wearing a mask when you are vaccinated. You are afraid if you wear a mask. You are afraid if you don’t wear a mask. Boys are Boys, Girls are Girls, play with your own toys. You don’t look like you belong here. That class will be hard for you as a woman. There aren’t many of <insert race, religion, sex, or gender here> in that profession. Why are you dressed like that? That’s not how good girls dress. Why are you here? Why do you believe that? You are wrong for thinking that. And yes, the list goes on and on. The everyday judgments that we make can and do have a major impact on those around us.

We know what we believe. Someone believing something different doesn’t change what we believe. Yes, in America, we have what we believe and the law. Two different things. If what someone wants to do is within the law, then they can do it. If not, then they work to change the law.

I am frustrated by how much judging goes on. Some use the name of God to judge others. Others use the fact that if you believe in God you are wrong. Here’s the truth. God is our judge and the one who has told us how to live. It is not up to me to judge someone else. If they are living in a way that I think is contrary to God’s law, guess what, I leave them alone. It’s that simple. We are not called to judge. We are called to love, to help, to educate, and to love. Yes, I said love twice. We can’t force anyone to believe what we believe, nor should we. God calls upon us to love one another, help one another, and grow his Kingdom. We can’t do that if we are judging them, belittling them, or trying to force our beliefs on them.

Today’s Questions: When you judge someone, why do you do it? How does taking on the role of judge change your relationship with someone? Does judging someone help you feel better about your life?

  • Matthew 7:1-5 – “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
  • James 4:12 – There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
  • James 1:26 – If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.

When you are walking down the street and see a gay couple, what do you think? How do you react? Is their relationship any of your business? If you say they are sinning, does it help you? If you see a male who is effeminate or dresses in “girls clothes” do you call them on it? Does it change who they are or help your relationship with them? I could list 1000 examples of judgments we make every day. The question is why are we making these judgments? Did God make us the judge? Did he tell us to condemn and ridicule others? Unless I missed a verse somewhere, he did not.

God made us to love him, love each other, and obey. When we sin, which every single one of us does, it is between us and God. Our sin is no greater or lesser than others. We would be lost forever if it wasn’t for the forgiveness of Jesus.

God tells us what are sins and what are not. He instructs us through his word and wants us to share it. At the same time, he is the final judge of right and wrong. As we see in Matthew, we shouldn’t go around judging unless we want to be judged. Until we are perfect, which we won’t this side of heaven, we shouldn’t condemn others. Now, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t share God’s news of love and forgiveness. It also doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t use the scriptures for teaching and correction. There is a difference between condemning how someone lives and acts versus building a relationship with them. Even if you build that relationship, they, like you, will continue to sin. It is not for us to judge it but for us to love and provide support.

I know this a very preachy #faithbites. I, like others, have my opinions and judge others. It is something I am working on. When I find myself judging, I am starting to ask myself, why. What is it that makes me feel the need to judge someone? Am I gaining anything through judging them? In fact, am I damaging a potential relationship by doing it?

I don’t know the answers to these questions. I do know that I chose to have love in my heart and approach all of God’s children where they are and love them for who they are.

As we close, are you ready to cast aside the judgement and begin to love God’s children?


Father God, you have made all of us unique. You tell us that you have given us special gifts and abilities. Help us to help others express those gifts. We pray that you help us not judge one another for their choices. Let us be the people that you want us to be. Help us to go out, love, teach, and build relationships will all people. Just as you told your disciples if we enter a town where they won’t listen, or a person who isn’t ready to listen, let us go to someone who is. Lord, we pray that you bless us and help us live in harmony in a very diverse country. In your name, Amen.

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